Welcome to Crab Cyborg!

This entire website is open source and built on Mithril. I have also begun experimenting with Flutter.

This is an experimental blog/tutorial series where we start by putting together our very own public domain Frankenstein.

Here are the posts:

Putting Together Animal Body Parts with Mithril
Recreating Shape Up with Mithril
Animating Shape Up with anime.js
Minimizing a Shape Up Component
Minimizing a Large Shape Up Component
Mirroring Shape Up Components
Traversing Shape Up Components
Traverse Grid Mutations
Tracing a Shape Up Component
Using a Shape Up Component as a Font
Tracing a Font as a Shape Up Component

Here are the experiments:

Shape Up
Blocky with an Artificial Neural Network
Rendering Shape Up using WebGL
Rendering Shape Up using three.js
Rendering Shape Up using Paper.js
Rendering Shape Up using fillRect
Rendering Shape Up using SVG
Rendering Shape Up using matter.js
Rendering Shape Up using Elm
Using min-string with strings
Visualizing traverse-grid with Paper.js
Visualizing traverse-grid as an animation
Drawing a Shape Up Component with traverse-grid
Or go to the Sandbox